Yesterdays unbelievable crowd and my band made me playone of my - if not the - best show (so far).
Still trying to realize what happened during our show.
an energy i will not forget.This is what I call magic.
Thank you Seelow.
This was my highlightof the year.(Yasi Hofer)
Hi Wolle, this Email just to saya really big thanks to youand all the team.It was a great pleasure for us to play in your festival.(Laura Cox Band Management)Güten Tag Wolfgang,Vielen dank für ein Schönes abend in Seelow!(Imanishi Kleinmeulman,The Grand East)Hallo Wolle,nochmals vielen Dank fürden wunderbaren Abend.Es war einmalig.(Klosterbrüder)
Yasi Hofer nach ihrem Gig in Seelow(Foto von Cornelia Mikat, © MOZ)
Bernd Schilanski, Gisbert Piatkowski, Dietrich Kessler, Jörg Blankenburg,Hans-Joachim Kneis, Andreas Kuhnt, Beata Kossowska, Peter Eichstädt(Foto von Michael Uy)
LAURA COX BAND(Foto von Andreas Sorge)
THE GRAND EAST(Foto von Michael Uy)